KRYON - Does Spirit Interfere with Free Choice?

KRYON - Does Spirit Interfere with Free Choice? Kryon talks about the war that is occurring and that many countries do not want war. Is it possible for Spiritual intervention in these times? When a civilization starts to raise in consciousness there are those who want a war to pull it back to a lower consciousness. Many are asking God to stop these things. Kryon says that we have free choice. You create your own reality by what you put before you as your consciousness in the future. If you’re asking for peace, are you afraid of what’s coming? If so, you have put that fear in your future. If you visualize a future without war you put that in the future. Is there intervention? Yes, however, you are the one to intervene with your consciousness. God doesn’t come with angels to stop war. What happens is an implantation of hope and many will come together and see a future that is benevolent. That’s when the true intervention occurs. That paves the way for light to come to the planet that creates new ideas a
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