Water Ski Craze Spreads (1956)

St. Louis, United States of America (USA). GV. Chimpanzee standing on motorbike (title super over). GV. Audience. SV. Small motorbike going round ring. On the bike, standing up and holding handle bars, is a chimp. Another chimp is sitting on a little platform on rear of bike. A third chimp is standing on the one who is driving the bike round the ring. A man in the centre of the ring is throwing hoops to the two other chimps who are not driving. One chimp on back of another catches hoop. Chimp on back of bike catches hoop and another one is caught as they pass camera. CU. Children clapping. CU. Chimp holding onto a bar that is attached to the rope. Rope is attached to the vehicle that is going to pull them round. They have planks of wood under their feet on which there is a roller skate. CU. Chimp sitting at steering wheel of the motorboat with a sailor’s hat on. He is all keyed up ready to go. CU. Children in audience. SV. The boat going round pulling the three chimps. SV. Towards and past, chimp on sk
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