React File Upload Tutorial with Drag-n-Drop and ProgressBar

In this tutorial, we’ll build a multiple file upload with drag-n-drop and a progress bar using , React, react-dropzone, Formik and Yup for validation. In order to validate our forms, we will use both react-dropzone and Yup with Formik validationSchema. In order to add a nice look and feel to our multi upload form, we will use Material-UI Progress component. We will also use Formik with typescript during this video. -— URLs GitHub URL: Deployed Demo: Formik Tutorial Video: Formik Tutorial Playlist: Tutorial Playlist: http ... #BrunoAntunesPT #file_upload_drag-n-drop #file_upload_formik # #upload_files_with_formik #file_upload_progress_bar #react_multiple_file_upload #react_file_upload_form #formik_file_upload #react-dropzone 20210223 MAw0lQKqjRA
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