David Bowie and John Lennon - FAME - LIVE!

LENNON AND BOWIE LIVE IN 1975. - Thank you for loving this video. Any IDIOTS who think otherwise and post abuse or hate will be BLOCKED INSTANTLY. So don’t bother leaving your pathetic Troll/hate comments cos NO ONE will see them. GET A LIFE Numbskulls!! - I don’t suffer fools gladly SO DO ONE, SCUM!!!!! and while you’re at it, why not ask your Dad why he didn’t use a condom! LOL - and for those ENJOYING the video, of whom there are thousands I say THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS, Much love from me to you :-D JOHN LENNON REPLICA TALISMAN NECKLACES AVAILABLE TO BUY FROM THESE LINKS.. ? ALSO JOHN LENNON TALISMAN NECKLACES ARE AVAILABLE IN FAUX LEATHER, AVAI
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