Praying to Saints is Christian

Praying to Saints is Christian and Biblical, and all Christians should do it. This video explains the logic, philosophy, and biblical principles behind praying to Saints and the Orthodox arguments surrounding it. Many Protestants criticize praying to Saints, their main arguments are: Praying to Saints is idolatry Saints are dead Just pray to God Saints can’t hear your prayers And other such arguments, all of which are explained very clearly in this video. The Orthodox Christian practice is also part of traditional and historical Christianity, but this video does not cover that aspect mainly because it’s already very clearly there by the time of the 4th century and traces of it is evident starting from the time of the apostles and their students (See martyrdom of St. Polycarp for instance). Although Roman Catholics and even Orientals believe in this practice as well, the theological explanation behind it due to the essence energy distinction is not present w
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