🌿“I’ll be your friend“ / Apple Horong Fairies in the Forest Coloring Book Flip Through & Coloring

🌿This is the flip through and coloring video of Apple Horong Fairies in the Forest Coloring Book. I used a 150-color Prisma pencils. Like, Subscribe will be huge help! Thank you💪 🌿애플호롱의 숲속 요정 컬러링북 소개와 색칠 영상입니다 프리즈마 150색 색연필 사용해서 색칠했어요 좋아요와 구독은 큰 힘이 됩니다💪 🐱❤️ 🎵 🎵Music provided by 브금대통령 🎵Track : 우아한 나의산책 - 🎵Track: Blue Sky [Official] by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™ 🎵Listen: #애플호롱의숲속요정컬러링북 #Coloriage #Coloring
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