Mutual trust, the bond between horse and human -

Mutual trust, the bond between horse and human. Motivation, trust, respect, communication and body language - If you like it,share it :-) Like us on facebook: Menor GPZ is an Aegidienberger stallion with two generations of offsprings. Walter Feldmann from the Gangpferdezentrum Aegidienberg is the founder of this breed. The Aegidienberger is a official breed since 1994 and a cross between the Peruvian Paso and the Icelandic horse. It is a gaited horse with natural tölt and larger than an Icelandic horse. Here you can found more about the Aegidienberger: You want such a relationship to your horse? Workshops in liberty dressage, circus tricks and ground work training (including training with a cavesson, work on the long rein). You don´t have to come to me, I’m happy to teach workshops at your place. Workshops will be held either in English or German. I´m happy to take questions and r
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