Quick Tip 004.1 - Export from Blender to After Effects
I’ve been learning Blender on and off for around a year now, and getting it to work within After Effects has been pretty frustrating. While I don’t think I have it all figured out, I think I’ve learned some basic things that can help some artists with the exporting side of Blender. Hope this helps someone!
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0:00 Welcome!
0:16 Blender Manual
0:34 Check Optix
0:42 Render Settings and Passes
0:58 F12 to Render a single image
1:19 Compositing Tab
1:30 Input and Output nodes
1:50 Passes in the Output node
2:07 Denoise the Diffuse
2:28 Backdrop function
2:39 Extra Window
2:52 Checking the Denoise
3:02 Duplicate for Diffuse Indirect
3:22 Frame
3:33 Glossy & Transmission
4:01 File Output Path
4:16 Mattes?
4:26 Native Output
4:44 Render!
4:55 Eevee Cryptomatte