Russia Deploys Upgraded Ka-52M Helicopters in Ukraine

Russia has declared the deployment of enhanced Ka-52M attack helicopters within the special military operation zone. As reported by the Russian Defense Ministry on December 13, modernized Ka-52M helicopters conducted a targeted strike on a Ukrainian army control center, armored vehicles, and personnel in the Donetsk region. Accompanying the Ka-52M is a kamikaze drone, demonstrating formidable combat capabilities and the ability to undertake missions at distances of up to 6 miles. It is noteworthy that earlier on June 12, Ukraine’s General Staff of the Armed Forces reported the successful deployment of the British FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank guided missile, which effectively brought down a Russian Ka-52 helicopter. So, does this mean that Russia is rebounding by establishing a formidable airborne force, integrating more advanced Ka-52M to the operational theater?
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