Why is this Budgett’s Frog Screaming?

Help Us Travel To Dingo In South Africa! Budgett’s Frog, also known as the hippo frog or Freddy Krueger frog, is known for its distinctive loud and piercing scream. These frogs make this sound as a defense mechanism to deter predators and warn them that they are poisonous and potentially dangerous. Budgett’s Frogs have several adaptations that allow them to produce their unique scream. They have a large, inflatable vocal sac located in their throat, which they fill with air to amplify their vocalizations. They also have specialized muscles and structures in their larynx and vocal cords that allow them to produce the high-pitched scream. When threatened, Budgett’s Frogs will inflate their vocal sacs and emit a loud, piercing scream that can be heard from a distance. This scream is often compared to the sound of a person screaming, which has earned the frog its nickname “screaming frog.“ The loudness and intensity of the scream can startle predat
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