Why Plastic Molding Shrinkage and how to solve it? #design #plastic #electronic #industrial

Plastic molding shrinkage is a common issue that can occur during the injection molding process. The causes of shrinkage are multifaceted and can be influenced by several factors, including: 1. Variations in Shrinkage Rates: If different parts of a molded part shrink at different rates, it can create internal stresses that can lead to warpage or deformation of the part. Injection-Molding Machine Performance: If the injection-molding machine’s shot capacity or plasticizing capacity is insufficient, it can lead to incomplete filling of the mold cavity, causing shrinkage. 3. Small Gate Cross-Section Surface Area: If the gate cross-section surface area is too small, it can lead to a thin molded product, which can cause shrinkage. in Density: As the material changes from a molten to a coagulated state, the density changes, causing shrinkage. 5. Surface of the Molded Product Loses Heat Rapidly: If the surface of the molded product loses heat rapidly through the mold wa
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