Yat Kha Shartylaam My Locust. video made by Martin Linford
From the forthcoming album: We Will Never Die (lscd 21)
ISRC: DES102000139
songtitle: Shartylaam (My Locust)
music: Albert Kuvezin
lyrics: Tuvan Shamans’ original texts ( see for lyrics in English below).
Guitars, percussion, Vox: Albert Kuvezin
Igil (trad Tuvan bowed instrument), bVox - Sholban Mongush
Recorded & mixed: Thilo Kuhn at Klangbad Studio, Sheer, Swabia Germany
Mastered: Marc Urselli, Los Angeles, CA
Taken from Yat-Kha’s forthcoming album “We Will Never DIe“ to be release in autumn 2020 on CD and vinyl on Lollipoppe Shoppe, lscd 021
Publisher: Wuzetka Music Publishing/GEMA
Your look is smart like you covered by boa (necklet),
Your figure is like grey falcon sits,
Meeting with you leaves strange impression,-
You are similar to bull with big crooked horns.
To look from the side on you is even funny,
You walk barely, move slowly.
You look like a spotted bullock
Which carries yurt’s wall lattice during migration.
While voiced drum sounds
I ask you, my