Music for Kundalini Awakening 20 Min Meditation
20 Min Meditation Music for Kundalini Awakening, Feel your Kundalini Energy Rising Cleansing Purifying ascending through all your chakras, awakening your dormant kundalini is a very unique and powerful mastery spiritual experience that requires great effort and skill but comes with great responsibility and spiritual power perks too. This Music is tuned to the most beautiful 432hz tuning frequency to allow yourself through meditation to experience your natural self.
#KundaliniAwakening #KundaliniEnergy #MeditationMusic
💫 About Kundalini
In Sanskrit, kundalini means “coiled snake,” and it is believed that divine energy was created at the base of the spine. It’s the energy we are born with, and Kundalini works to “uncoil the snake” and connect us to our divine essence. Kundalini was originally a study of the science of energy and spiritual philosophy.
The basic premise is to encourage the flow of Kundalini energy up the spine and toward the top of the head—the crown chakra—thus projecting your awareness into the higher heavenly dimensions of the universe. The result is an indescribable expansion of consciousness into spiritual realms beyond form and thought.
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💫 About This Music
☯ 432 Hz Natural state of Consciousness, Tuning
☯ Follow your own intuition
☯ Listen while meditating or sleep
☯ Listen to 15 min minimum daily for 7 Days
☯ Best listened with Headphones or Earbuds
☯ Observe your breath to become mindless
☯ After mindless you will reach the Flow State
☯ Let Yourself Go
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