Observing all the Serverless Things • Peter Elger & Guilherme Dalla Rosa • GOTO 2022
This presentation was recorded at GOTO EDA Day 2022. #GOTOcon #GOTOeda #GOTOldn
Peter Elger - Co-Founder and CEO of fourTheorem
Guilherme Dalla Rosa - Serverless Engineer at fourTheorem
Have you ever thought that your Lambda functions could fail without you even noticing? If the answer is YES, that’s probably because you already “got burned“ by playing with the cloud, where errors and failures are always around the corner.
Unfortunately, we can’t prevent all types of failures, but what we can do is try to spot them as soon as possible and react quickly. In order to do that, we need good observability for our serverless applications and therefore we need to become familiar with services like CloudWatch.
If you have tried CloudWatch already, you probably know how powerful but also complex it can be. In this talk, we will approach the topic of observability for serverless applications on AWS. We will discuss best practices and how to be effective with CloudWatch. We will also present our open source tool-kit for observability ’SLIC Watch’ which automates away most of the pain of setting up dashboards and alarms in CloudWatch, making it easier to achieve great levels of observability. [...]
00:00 Intro
03:35 Serverless HPC FTW
05:54 A typical case study
07:29 Observability in the cloud
08:14 Can we test our ovservability?
08:55 Alerts flow
09:33 Making sense of alerts
10:23 Initial hypothesis
11:32 Gathering evidence
12:22 Checking timeouts
13:55 Inspecting DynamoDB capacity
14:46 Tracing errors
15:47 HTTP 502
16:50 Lambda CloudWatch logs
17:40 Conclusions
19:51 Before & after
20:25 What we have learned so far
21:09 AWS native observability = CloudWatch
22:08 Alternatives outside AWS
23:21 CloudWatch out of the box
24:32 Getting the best out of CloudWatch
26:33 Best practices
27:00 CloudFormation for CloudWatch alarms
27:18 Can we automate this?
28:10 Intro to SLIC Watch
28:50 How SLIC Watch works
29:48 Before & after SLIC Watch
32:35 Configuration
33:32 How to get started with SLIC Watch
34:51 What if I’m not using serverless framework?
35:18 Roadmap
35:33 Wrap-up
36:10 Outro
Read the full abstract here:
Peter Elger & Eoin Shanaghy • AI as a Service •
Clements, Buus, Collina & Elger • Node Cookbook •
Mario Casciaro & Luciano Mammino • Design Patterns •
Adam Bellemare • Building Event-Driven Microservices •
Peter Sbarski • Serverless Architectures on AWS •
Michael Stack • Event-Driven Architecture in Golang •
Ford, Richards, Sadalage & Dehghani • Software Architecture: The Hard Parts •
Gerardus Blokdyk • Event-Driven Architecture EDA •
#EventDrivenArchitecture #EDA #SoftwareArchitecture #AWS #Serverless #EventDriven #Observability #Cloud #CloudNative #DynamoDB #CloudWatch #SLIC #SLICWatch
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