DCS Су-25Т Кампания _Deep Mud_ Миссия №6 Разгром отступающих частей
Enemies are retreating. They have one escape route from sige. Convoys of various vehicles leave the area of combat through a narrow mountain path. Engage them at will.
Road lead to south from Sinegorsk, to west through Erivanskaya, more west through unnamed village and north to ABINSK. Damage at least 2 enemy groups to bring chaos into evacuation. You dont have to destroy all vehicles in convoy to earn points.
Mobile SAM is reported in Erivanskaya.
Good hunt!
1) Takeoff from Maykop
2) Engage point
3) Turn around
4) In case of emergency land in Gelendzhik
5) Landing on Maykop
Your callsign is 201, wingman 202
2x KA-50 callsign 321, 322