Date a Live: Spirit Pledge CN - Testing Sonogami Rinne

Can I be honest here? I have no idea what is happening lol 3 summons and then spamming skills and the next thing you know the enemy is suddenly dead lol I’m not even sure what exactly did the damage.... other than it did 1.6 million dmg in a single hit lol I think it’s from the hold skill? Since that skill gem has a heal with it but I don’t think some of the enemies are in the range when it happens? I’m so confused lol Anyway she is strong lol like wow I’m not even close to finish building her since I have no gold to upgrade her stuff and my seph aren’t close to getting the passives she needs but she is strong lol She ranged and can be a bit difficult to control (at least for me) and fighting against another ranged character is a bit wonk if they have a further range than you. But you have 3 summons lol you could probably just keep summoning those as they die and get through stuff while spamming skills in the back lol She doesn’t have an innate heal so might have to rely on
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