“The Great Awakening“ and Other Books of James McQuitty
James McQuitty was born in Putney, London in 1950, and worked there for many years before moving to Ryde, Isle of Wight, UK in 1992. He began to seriously study spiritual philosophy in 1981, and at this time he also began to regularly attend demonstrations by the renowned medium Jessie Nason.
Since then he has had many personal experiences and seen spirit visitors on numerous occasions, as well as receiving a great number of spirit communications via other mediums. These include a trance communication message that led to him becoming an author, with the release of his first book in 1994.
In his books he shares an understanding of our true status in this universe, which is that of immortal souls, and much, much more. He is also a qualified spiritual healer. His writing style is easy to read and understand, enabling even those who are new to the subjects covered to finish highly informed and greatly inspired. He is a prolific author having released 30 books most of which are available on Amazon - see
In his most recent book, “The Great Awakening: What the Spirit Guides Say“ shares information in the form of communications received from a number of spirit guides speaking through fifteen different trance mediums over the course of more than a century, including ten mediums active today. Guides or teachers whose messages are included in the book come from White Feather, White Cloud, Dr Peebles, Sanaya, Jonathan, Zac, Monty, Simeon, Chief Joseph, Jesus, Archangel Michael, White Eagle, Red Cloud and a number of other spirit communicators.
The spirit guides speak of both the positive impact of the spiritual awakening upon our spiritual nature, which is rising in frequency, and the ‘dark agenda’ run by ‘globalists’ or super-rich ‘materialists’ in cooperation worldwide with politicians controlling governments and directing them to do the bidding of those behind the dark agenda.
Available in kindle or paperback
You can contact James at jmcquitty97@