Это даже не пошло... Стихи читает автор Демирина. It didn’t even go... read by the Demirina.
poems are read by the author Demirina.
It didn’t even go: stupidly boring,
When someone in underwear was here before you
In a dark room cramped, smoky stuffy,
From which they emerge into the mist of September...
And some cold ahead, and snowstorms:
As if there was no summer in July delirium!
At the beginning, we also wanted something else,
Starting with love to play on the go...
It didn’t even go: to live with someone outside the home,
It’s just nothing: to win back dreams!
And in time to feel that they are unfamiliar,
Who are completely unfamiliar with the delight of spring ...
стихи читает автор Демирина.
Это даже не пошло: до одури скучно,
Когда кто-то в исподнем тут был до тебя
В тёмной комнате тесной, прокурено-душной,
Из которой выходят во мглу сентября...
И одни холода впереди, и метели:
Будто не было лета в
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4 weeks ago 00:50:31 1
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