21st May 2021 - We lost a chick / another uninvited guest - Blue tit nest box live camera highlights

What a bad day. No-one is entirely sure how many chicks are still in the box. There was five at the end of play on the 20th and now there’s three or possibly four. The maximum number of chicks seen on camera at any one time today was four but that doesn’t mean that there wasn’t five in their. One chick was removed from the box at . We’ll have to wait until the morning and see what’s what. Hopefully it’ll have stopped raining by then. A third uninvited intruder gave us all a shock today (00:49). Especially our female. If anyone knows what type of bird this is please drop a comment and let us know. Our female was just about to give one of the chicks a big caterpillar when the interloper announced itself. It looks like she stress ate it afterwards! In other news one of the chicks was having a good wing flap and they seem to enjoy an afternoon snooze so much the parents are having to pester them to eat. More tomorrow...
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