Mall Grab | Rinse x SCR | DJ power hour of rave techno, hardcore breaks, jungle and more

#MallGrab #RinseFM #SeoulCommunityRadio Late last year Mall Grab was in Korea tearing up dancefloors at Faust Seoul and Oututput Busan as part of a crazy Asia tour. Times have changed just slightly but tonight Seoul Community Radio x Rinse are proud to bring back the dynamic Australian to Seoul eardrums for an exclusive mix recorded in the new Rinse FM studios in London. 작년 Mall Grab은 아시아 투어 중 서울 Faust와 부산 Output 댄스플로어를 찢어놓았었다. 오늘 그는 Rinse FM 런던 스튜디오에서 녹음된 SCR x Rinse 만을 위한 믹스를 들려주며 다시금 호주의 역동적인 사운드를 전달해 ᐙ
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