DRAWING ASMR Binaural (한)|How to draw a realistic eye - That actress Series #1

This is my 1st Drawing ASMR for Youtube. I drew one eye in this video and spoke in Korean. I will complete the face at the end, and you will see who I was drawing. This drawing asmr is part one of this Series. Every single part will have different setting and concept. Please tell me if you have good idea or suggestion. Well... Relax ! :P 처음으로 오직 유튜브만을 위한 드로잉 ASMR 비디오를 제작해보았습니다. 이번에는 한쪽 눈만 그렸는데요, 마지막에는 얼굴 전체를 완성 할 거랍니다. 이 드로잉 ASMR은 시리즈물이라고 할 수 있고 이번편
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