Seal’s Head Covered In Gill Net

Gill net entanglements should not happen in Namibia because this particular type of net is illegal. Many countries have banned gill net due to the high amounts of by-catch like this seal. Once entangled in a gill net, the animal has no chance to ever get out of it again. It can no longer move or eat properly and will eventually find a very sad end. We do not know if a gill net broke loose somewhere or if the responsible fishermen dumped a piece of gill net over board because it is easier than discarding it properly - but we do know that this seal had very little time left. The fishing industry is highly unregulated and even existing laws are often poorly if at all enforced. This piece of illegal net found in Namibian waters is the proof. To find out more about our work, please like, comment, share and subscribe to our videos and visit: Fully sustainable merchandise available at: https://oc
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