Thales to Zeno by François Fenelon 1651-1715

Times for recordings are below. The Lives of Ancient Philosophers by the Archbishop of Cambrai who was a French educationalist who devoted his life to Christ and served as prelate, theologian, and preacher. Francois Fenelon Thales Solon 17:18 Pittacus 1:06:49 Bias 1:21:48 Periander 1:34:05 Chilo 1:49:11 Cleobulus 1:57:23 Epimenides 2:05:05 Anachabsis 2:15:03 Pythagoras 2:24:10 Heraclitus 2:43:13 Anaxagoras 2:52:05 Democritus 3:07:20 Empedocles 3:18:10 Socrates 3:30:08 Plato 3:57:54 Antisthenes 4:19:12 Aristippus 4:31:12 Aristotle 4:53:54 Xenocrates 5:30:52 Diogenes 5:39:00 Crates 6:20:45 Pyrrho 6:31:27 Bion 6:41:17 Epicurus 6:49:50 Zeno 7:25:45
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