How To Invest Well? (Investing Tips)

Get personalized advice about tax, asset protection, offshore banking, residency, and citizenships: You can visit our websites for more information about us: & How to invest well? This is a million-dollar question (literally)! I’m going to do a series of videos trying to explain this topic, and hopefully give you some useful info about investing. There is so much value in investing! If you try to reach retirement through savings alone your money will likely not go very far. If you save 50 000 dollars per year it will turn into a million after 20 years. If you were to take this same 50 000 and invest it with 10%/year after 10 years will turn into a dramatically higher amount. Interest makes such a difference in your life! It’s always a better idea to invest, and not to sit on too much cash. What is the basis of investing? You take your money and buy something hoping that that something will
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