Miguel García: Sonata de Elami para guitarra, played by Huy Liem Nguyen

Miguel García (Padre Basilio) (1760 circa – 1800 circa): Sonata de Elami para guitarra [Cuaderno manuscrito de obras en cifra para guitarra], Ms. (c. 1805), Biblioteca del Real Conservatorio de Música di Madrid – Trascrizione di Fabio Rizza played by Huy Liem Nguyen Strings: Hannabach Exclusive Guitar: Torres “La Leona” by Wolfgang Jellinghaus iMovie App for producing the Video Recording Studio Location: Pius Kirche in Obertshausen/Hausen wikipedia: “Miguel García, also called Padre Basilio (effective late 18th to early 19th century), was a Spanish guitarist, organist and composer. [1] [2] Little is known about the person of Miguel García. The Italian musicologist Franco Poselli described him in 1973 as an “enigmatic figure“. [2] He composed some guitar pieces. At the end of the 18th century, on the basis of direct access to Queen Maria Luise of Bourbon-Parma, he made the guitar acceptable again in the Spanish aristocracy. [3] He belonged as a monk to the Cistercian monastery of San Basilio in Madrid. He became an organist in the El Escorial monastery. In music literature, Miguel García is sometimes referred to as Manuel del Pópulo Vicente García or also as Manuel García and is at least confused by name. [4] For example, the Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana speaks in all of its editions (first, second and online) in its article “Guitarra” in the context of “Manuel García” and equates this with “Pare Basili”. [5]”
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