♥Silent Love Studios - 2 AUDITION / If I could just see you . . . again.

WOOOOW FINALLY XDD It’s done O___O My audidtion for the Silent Love Studio ♥___♥ I looove this studio :D The members all are soooo amazing!!! And the MEPs.... awwww soooo much love ♥___♥ I wish I could be a member x33 Ehm... my amv is with vampire knight :D As I saw the anime I was thinking “VAMPIRE LOOOOOVE“ XDD It was love on the first look XDD Uhhh I love Zero-kun and Yuuki-chan *___* ZEKI IS LOOOOVE PURE!!! X33 That’s why I make a video audition with this coulpe^^ I think it’s perfect :D Because.. sile
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