THE POLISH IMPRINT. ALL Episodes. Documentary Film. Russian TV Series. English Subtitles

Watch free russian tv shows with english subtitles. The Polish Imprint. Documentary Film. Russian TV Series. English Subtitles ALL Episodes: Type: film Genre: historical documentary Year of production: 2017 Number of episodes: 2 Directed by: Anastasia Popova Written by: Olga Eliseeva Production designer: Aleksandr Gilyarevskiy Director of photography: Aleksandr Kiper Producers: Valeriy Babich, Vlad Ryashin Cast: Stanislav Kallas, Anna Yashina, Nikolay Orlovskiy Russia and Poland - two neighbours, but not always on the best of terms! The history of the two countries has been full of conflict and political intrigue for centuries, long periods of war giving way to peaceful interludes. The Polish Imprint chronicles the many dramatic historical events and figures behind the centuries-old confrontation between these two Slavic nations. Why were the Poles the first to take up arms and
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