GERMANY: Japan’s Princess Takamatusu witnesses German-Japanese atheletics competition (1930)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Video Roll Title: Princess Takamatusu witnesses German-Japanese atheltics in Berlin: 59ft Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION Beatiful Princess Jakamatsu of Japan, visiting Germany, sees her countrymen contest Berlin’s best athletes. GERMANY: Berlin Princess Takamatusu arriving; German team marching in line; Japanese team marching; High hurdles race; High jump; Pole vault; Princess Takamatusu watching Background: Video Roll Title: Princess Takamatusu witnesses German-Japanese atheltics in Berlin: 59ft FILM ID: VLVAA9HWS91MIOB7XSK597Q8AKTFF To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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