The heart of the LED chaser is the PIC 16F628A microcontroller, IC2. The program that runs on this chip controls the LEDs attached to the output port pins. Resistors R1 thru R8 limit the current through LED1 - LED8 to a safe level that won’t damage the PICs I/O ports or LEDs. Resistor R9 provides a pull-up for the input connected to switch S1. R10 holds the PICs MCLR reset signal high.
Capacitor C1 is used to decouple the 5 volt power supply to the PIC.
The voltage regulator used is a LM2931-5
6 years ago 00:02:38 6
LCD Graphics MegaDemo HD44780
6 years ago 00:03:27 1
Самодельный измеритель емкости и индуктивности на микроконтроллере PIC 16F628A / PIC16F84