Nick & June - Because it feels good (1x08)

everyone abord on a new ship yay omg i’m so overwhelmed by them The Handmaid’s Tale is so fucking brilliant, omg, stab me, so many feels. warning: the show displays shock and rape content, so if you are too sensitive, don’t watch. This stuff is not for everyone because it’s brutal. These two can’t be together, even casually talk to each other, that’s why all that they have is staring at each other which speaks louder than any words , and danger, they are so risking their lives when they are together. i have so much to say and yet i don’t know what to say here so best advice - watch this vid and fall in love with them as i did. special thanx to Ellie () for dragging me into this with her beautiful vids! and to Kate () for sending me torrents. ILY
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