Part one :
Part two :
Part three :
Part four about the foxes and wolves, and their prehistoric relatives
Part five :
Music by White Bat audio
Thumbnail by Julio Lacerda
Illustrations by Satoshi Kawasaki and Roman Uchytel
Icons next to names indicate the diet :
The whole playlist :
Sources and more informations about the animals shown :
Xenocyon -
Hesperocyon -
Cynodesmus -
Aelurodon -
Borophagus -
Red fox -
Arctic fox -
Tibetan fox -
Fennec fox -
Bat-eared fox -
Crab-eating fox -
Common raccoon dog -
Black-backed jackal -
Falkland islands wolf -
Bush dog -
Maned dog -
Dire wolf -
African wild dog -
Sardinian dhole -
Ethiopian wolf -
Coyote -
Japanese wolf -
Hokkaido wolf -
Dingo -
Eurasian wolf -
Arctic wolf -
(Sorry I had copyright claims at the end of the video and I had to cut a little part)
0:00 Introduction
0:35 Canidae
1:10 Hesperocyoninae
2:10 Borophaginae
3:30 Caninae