EEVblog #839 - Mailbag

New 2016 Mailbag Bonanza with Sagan helping out. Forum: SPOILERS: A Kollsman Instruments MD-1 Automatic Astro inertial navigation system analog computer for a B-52 Stratofortress bomber! Article: From The Geek Group: Realistic CB Radio teardown and testing with a spectrum analyser. Silicon Labs Sensor Puck Bluetooth heart rate monitor demo board: WinnerGear MicFlip Reversible Micro USB cable: #/ Jack Ganssle: RFT EO213 East Germany Analog Oscilloscope Teardown iRiver MP3 Player Teardown Telstra T-Box Remote control version oddity. EEVblog Main Web Site: The 2nd EEVblog Channel: Support the EEVblog through Patreon! EEVblog Amazon Store (Dave gets a cut): T-Shirts: Donations: Projects: Electronics Info Wiki: 💗 Likecoin – Coins for Likes: @eevblog/dil9/hcq3 Теги: sagan jones,mailbag
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