John Lennon & Paul McCartney Final Interview 1968

This interview has rarely been seen in its entirety. The interview took place on May 14th or 15th 1968. It was conducted by Larry Kane; a journalist who was one of the privileged few invited by Brian Epstein to travel with The Beatles touring entourage on all three of their American tours. Larry has written several books about his unique experiences with The Beatles and John Lennon. I have so many videos waiting to be released (but so little free time to produce them!). If you’d like to support my channel please make a donation at For a donation of $ you’ll receive digital downloads of all three of my albums. For a donation of $ (or more) you’ll also receive my latest album “SURVIVE“ on Compact Disc! For a donation of $ (or more) you’ll receive digital downloads of my entire music catalog my albums “Not Dressed For The Occasion“ (featuring Nigel Olsson and Dee
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