Kim Il Sung the Legendary Hero of Korea

From the Korean Movie: 백두산 전편 (Mount Paektu - First part) The words that are narrated are from the classic North Korean epic poem “Mt. Paektu“ (백두산) from 1947. Voice of Korea, Pyongyang 29th Jan. 2015: Mt. Paektu, the highest mountain in Korea, is 2,750 metres above the sea level. It is standing in Ryanggang Province in the northern part of Korea. Mt. Paektu is a sacred mountain of the Korean revolution associated with the immortal exploits of the great Generalissimo Kim Il Sung who liberated the country by organizing and leading the anti-Japanese armed struggle. All ranges of mountains of Korea started from Mt. Paektu. Therefore, Mt. Paektu was called ancestral mountain from olden times. Mt. Paektu was formed by several volcanic eruptions and evolution. The natural environment of the mountain is very unique and the climate is very changeable. Lake Chon, crater lake, is on the mountain top. I’m adding subtitles t
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