Top 5 Jiu Jitsu Sacrifice Throws

Learn the Top 5 Jiu-Jitsu Sacrifice Throws for No Gi BJJ, MMA and Self Defense. Sacrifice throws are great, but should be used with caution. They are higher in risk compared to other throws because they force you to be in a “bad position“ in order to throw your opponent with good Jiu-Jitsu The sacrifice throws you will discover are: Uke Waza from a 50/50 Clinch Sumi Gaeshi from a Front Headlock or Double Leg Attempt Kimura Uke Waza - attack the kimura grip and force an uke waza Reverse Kimura Throw - attack the reverse kimura grip for a simple sacrifice throw Yoko Guruma - underhook “deep half guard“ throw If you like Jiu-Jitsu Throws and Takedowns, check out the free TRITAC Intro course:
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