Pathe have rights to clips in Time to Remember programmes but not to commentary or whole programme as screened.
Reel 3.
01:13:53 title: “Time to Remember“, “Part Two“, “1926“.
01:14:01 Various shots of yachts sailing about, including King George V on deck of royal yacht smoking cigarette in a holder. Various shots of French Rivera coast. C/U of roulette wheel. L/S of glamorous casino. M/S posh people at outdoor cafe. M/S women having nails manicured. M/S of a women’s fashion show on deck of ocean liner.
01:15:02 Various shots of tennis match between Suzanne Lenglen and Helen Wil M/S of George Bernard Shaw getting out of car and signing autographs. Various shots of wedding of opera singer, Luisa Tetrazzini and youthful Mr. Vernati. Various shots of newly engaged of Crowned Prince Leopold of Belgium and Princess Astrid of Sweden.
01:16:39 Various shots of genteel looking horse riders in Rotten Row, Hyde Park.
01:16:59 Various shots women demonstrating in London against coShow more