Skaði ( Ritual & Meditation Music )

Join Our Discord Community! Find us on Instagram @mimirswellpodcast Skaði is a giantess and goddess in Norse mythology. Her name is either identical with the Old Norse common noun skaði, “harm,” or comes from another Germanic root preserved in the Gothic word skadus and the Old English sceadu, both of which mean “shadow.” Her name is likely related to the name “Scandinavia,” but whether Skadi lent her name to the land-mass or vice versa is uncertain. Skadi lives in the highest reaches of the mountains, where the snow never melts. She’s an avid huntress, and her bow, snowshoes, and skis are her most often-mentioned attributes She was once married to the god Njord. However, their marriage was a failure; Njord couldn’t stand the cold and dreariness of the mountains, and Skadi couldn’t stand the light and noise of Njord’s home by the seashore, so the two parted ways. #MimirsWell #MimirsWellPodcast #Norse #NorseGods #NorseGoddesses #Skadi #Jotuns #Njord #RitualMusic #MeditationMus
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