My Detransition Story (Female to Male back to Female)

Im not good with narration but I didn’t want this story told by an A.I voice. I hope this was helpful to anybody considering detransitioning. Stay tuned for more videos I also wanna state to anybody commenting that “You weren’t really trans“ I believe that’s irrelevant considering I truly believed I was. I socially transitioned for 5 years and took hormones for almost two years all while considering myself “true trans.“ The doctor who diagnosed me with dysphoria and prescribed me hormones didn’t see anything wrong with me transitioning, the therapist that I talked to once saw nothing wrong with writing me a letter for top surgery, and the surgeon I had a consultation with would’ve performed the surgery. If all of this can be done to a woman who “isn’t really trans“ then the informed consent model is unethical and needs to be abolished or completely reformed (Another edit) I regret personifying the “trans community“ as a single entit
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