Python Course :- Exception Basics and Exception Handling Part 3

Hello Guys, this a Python Course in which we discuss the ’Python Exception Basics and Exception Handling’ which analogy to : - o Exceptions: The Short Story?  User-Defined Exceptions  Termination Actions o Exception Coding  try/except/else Statement • How try Statement Work • Try Statement Clauses • The try else Clause • Example: Default Behaviour • Example: Catching Bulit-in Exceptions  The try/finally Statement • Example: Coding Termination Actions with try/finally  Unified try/except/finally • Unified try Statement Syntax • Combining finally and except by Nesting • Unified try Example  The raise Statement • Raising Exceptions • Scopes and try except Variables • Propagating Exceptions with a raise • Python 3.X Exception Chaining: raise from  The assert Statement
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