Meet the top 7 largest great white sharks found so far. The great white shark is imposing and dangerous, and some can also be giants. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -THE SEVEN STAR LAKE SHARK It happened on May 14, 1997 in Hualien County in Taiwan, when a large white was caught in a net game precisely in Seven Star Lake. -DEEP BLUE SHARK In 2013, the images of this great white shark became viral all over the world. Therefore, because of its popularity, you should know that it is one of the largest specimens ever seen. -AUSTRALIAN SHARK -THE COJIMAR ESPECIMEN The legend of a monster submerged in its waters was revealed as a gigantic 21 feet long white shark. Truly impressive! -CANADIAN SHARK On a hot summer day in early August of 1983, Alberton native David McKendrick, along with his younger brother Steven and his crew, fished near the coast of Prince Edward Island in Canada. Suddenly, 12 miles from the beach, t
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