Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata Cap.9 Pastor et Oves

Purchase Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata: Familia Romana at at this link : =as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1585104205&linkCode=as2&tag=lukeranieri-20&linkId=1562354909ba2b019d798eef678650d5 The LLPSI series can also be purchased through regional distributors Vivarium Novum, Focus/Hackett Publishing, Cultura Clásica, Addisco, & NewSouth Books. The video does *not* include the important and necessary exercises, vocabulary lists, indices, or grammatical explanations (all of which are critical to make any use of the text) found in the complete book Familia Romana, which is by far the best instrument ever designed to teach the Latin language. The main purpose of this recording is to help my students understand correct pronunciation of Latin and is intended for educational use only. The secondary purpose is to encourage others to purchase the books of the Lingua Latina series. Lingu
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