The B7.1 Test Tank was tested at the Launch Site on the Structural Test Stand, Ship 24 was moved in the High Bay, and Booster 5’s Grid Fin was reinstalled.
Video and Pictures from Mary (@BocaChicaGal), Nic (@NicAnsuini), and the NSF Robots.
Edited by Patrick Colquhoun(@Patrick_Colqu).
All content copyright to NSF. Not to be used elsewhere without explicit permission from NSF.
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0:00 - Ship 24 Moved in the High Bay
0:27 - The Gulf Of Mexico
0:52 - The Production Site
1:08 - Booster 5 in the Mega Bay
1:25 - Ship 24 in the High Bay
1:41 - Barrel Section in the High Bay
1:58 - In Front of the High and Mega Bay
2:14 - Starfactory
2:41 - The Rocket Garden
3:03 - SPMT Moved
3:52 - Section Moved to the Scrap Yard
5:34 - Transfer Tube Moved
6:00 - B5’s Grid Fin Reinstalled
5:34 - Transfer Tube Moved
6:35 - Ship 25 Payload Bay Section
7:13 - Work on Ship 24
7:29 - The Orbital Launch Site
7:46 - The Chopsticks and Booster 7
8:21 - The Orbital Launch Platform
9:30 - B7.1 Test Tank
10:01 - The Orbital Tank Farm
10:16 - Crews Work on Top of Booster 7
11:08 - The Suborbital Launch Site
11:38 - Booster 7 Venting
11:54 - B7.1 Test Tank Testing
5 months ago 01:15:45 1
Базовый курс С++ #51. Рефакторинг движения, этап 2
6 months ago 02:25:43 2
Стрим со Стасом Васильевым Ай Как Просто l Суд с Ивановым l Доносы и Штефанов l Будущее России
6 months ago 00:25:11 1
Kyokushin Karate Dan Grading-10 Man KUMITE!!/【極真会館】堀 大虎10人組手【昇段審査】
6 months ago 00:04:02 1
Всего 2 штуки в день помогут при гипотиреозе (болезни Хашимото) 👏