A Very Crunchy Neck ~ Model Alice Antoinette ~ ASMR Cracks & Relax Chiropractic Sleepy Time Tactic.

Location Mechanicsburg, PA. ~ Condenser Microphone Cracks & Crunches ~ Quiet Face Paper & Quiet Office = ASMR ~ Mindfully Placed Ads ~ Relax ~ Chiropractic Sleep Time Remedy The beast is at least 200 feet tall and at least half as wide. It has hundreds of arms and at least 5 thousand hands. As crazy as the world is right now, this view has some real serenity in it. It’s early May, so the wind is doing it’s job, like nature’s Barry Manalow, or someone more Modern, Drake I suppose. Regardless of who your ideal era, romance mood setter is, the wind is one of nature’s most powerful sexual elements. Because it blows the seeds Or in this case, the giant tree. And I just listen as the leaves clap and clap and clap... looking back and seeing the tree bow in the presence of almighty wind. Oh shit! Today is Erin, the office ninja warrior, celebrations of birth anniversary. Please do say happy birthday in the comment section to her.
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