Making Xmas Cards (1948)

Northampton. CU. Sign ’Export Priority’. MS. Pan down pile of packing cases. CU. Packing case ’Happy Christmas.’ CU. Large Christmas card, pan down to artist painting. MS. Elevated shot, processing department with process camera at work photographing designs for the Christmas cards. CU. Card on wall being inspected by worker. CU. Process camera with slide being placed in position. MS. Worker examining original drawing. MS. Planning positives for etching. CU. Operator, pan down to the etchings. MS. Laying the carbon transfer. MS. Squeezing pigment paper on to cylinder. CU. Worker, pan down to cylinder. LS. Workshop. MS. Printing machine with cards coming off - two shots. CU. Prints coming off machine. SCU. Girl stacking cards as they come off machine. Pan round to close up shot of cards. SCU. Man operating machine. Pan up to cards coming off machine. MS. Another machine. Pan down its length. CU. Cards coming off. SCU. Girl viewing cards. CU. Cards. MS. Finished painting and painter sketching. CU. Various de
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