Ye Banished Privateers - 03 Yellow Jack *With Lyrics!

“Ye Banished Privateers be a band, a crew an’ a soup kitchen who think that gettin’ new interesting bruises, mixin’ the perfect tar “perfume“ an’ getting’ the audience to vocally overpower them is at least as important as hittin’ the right notes. Ye Banished Privateers play original songs inspired by traditional sea shanties, bastardized irish folk, old scandinavian ballads, plays and court protocols of the pirate era and puttin’ it into a cracked and homemade 17th century punk mold.“ Find them at -YBP Lyrics: “Now listen me mateys i’ll tip ye some staves some songs ’bout me mis’ry fer ye I was bound fer Bermuda with a shipment of slaves t’was nothing special to me But when we were loadin’ we found the ships cat Wet and stiff and dead. One of the mateys spit in his hat and cried - Hoist the Yellow Jack! In the part of Dub
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