Carnival Time - At The . Conference Brighton (1926)

L/S of a crowded dance floor at the . conference in Brighton in 1926. Couples move around the dance floor. Another view of the dancers, this time a closer shot. Nice crowded dance floor. Two women dancing together pass the camera. C/U of unidentified man (possibly a known cinema owner). More shots of the dancers - several more women dancing in couples. An exhibition waltz is performed by Franklyn Graham and Barbara. The two perform quite close to the camera whilst people stand on the edge of the dance floor and watch. C/U of some of the crowd. A rough looking boy who wears a neckerchief is standing very close behind a young woman. He pulls her hat over her eyes. The exhibition waltz continues. An intertitle reads: “The one-step seems to embody the very spirit of Carnival time.“ Shot of the one-step is missing unless this title is spliced in at the wrong point. “The Grand Parade with its variety of fancy dresses is the next feature.“ A large group of people in fancy dress parade in fr
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