What is Relative fitness and how to calculate it

Survival rate = the overall survival rate is the % of individuals born that survive to reproductive age. But often we can only measure the % that survive over some period of time, e.g. the survival rate of fledglings, the survival rate from one year to the next, or the survival rate through a winter storm. Reproductive rate = for any given genotype or phenotype, the average number offspring born per individual. Relative Fitness (w) is the survival and/or reproductive rate of a genotype (or phenotype) relative to the maximum survival and/or reproductive rate of other genotypes in the population. #relativeFitness #Genetis #populationGenetics #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #evolution #Fitness #evolutionaryFitness #survivalOfTheFittest #sexualSelection #Survival #genotype #phenotype #harambe #environment #findAMate #mating #dance #song #right #biology #whatIsTheDifferenceBetweenFitnessAndRelativeFitness #highFitness #askAbout #AbsoluteFitness #DarwinianFitness #reproduction #ReproductiveSuccess #naturalSelection #DarwinianEvolution
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