father crespi video - rare interview metal library collection
in this rare interview, stanley hall, and father crespi meet. this is the only recorded video still around ( it has been on YT since 2008 but not very much in a spotlight) of crespi showing his collection, at a couple times their is muted parts, i dont know why. but yeah... anyways, it shows part of his metal collection , its unknown how much or where it is today, as i eplained on the last video the shed got caught in a fire but their hs never been any proof of the melted remains of the metal
has not been debunked or refuted , only ignored and not talked about.
TAGS : moon palace castle anomaly nasa anonymous occupy alex jones david icke jessey ventura 2012 nibiru jesus christ god aliens extraterrestrial alex collier nasa mosiac black and white pokemon lunar luna apollo 13 12 11 18 movie real of fake beliefe it or not giant ufo 2012 ancient aliens sheilaaliens dutchsince ufohunter16903 world war webbot israel iran syria homs marie colvin science photography astro cosomos steven hawking nasa anon anonops anonymous drone rover moon aliens base usaf reptilian grey zeta 2012 andromedan essessani bashar dryl ankah awakenning annunaki walking dead falling skies firefly star trek startrek wars starwars starcraft craft footage space age race buzz aldrin john glenn neil armstrong tyson degrass degrasse michio kaku nicola tesla albert einstein neil bohr schrodinger valance electon CERN college planetary science giorgio Tsoukalos ufohunters ufofiles files hunters jessey ventura HAARP iron sheik cryptozoology paranormal investigator taps ghost spirit metaphysics torsion black hole string theory metaphysics 20 wikipedia weird strange odd unknown unexplainable random mass effect 3 anon vs nsa nasa solar flare 2012 cme maybe possible revolution occupy DARPA govt evil tyrants global bashar ww3 grid power stuxnet israel iran syria russia china drug cartle white dward red giant hypergiant skycam james webster kepler kepler22 gliese pixlr image paint editor or saver photoshop alternative richard hoagland Hoagland nibiru niburu sumer sumaria sumerian annunaki collier exopolitics zeta talk coasttocoastam coastocoast coast to george noory tiamat nw discovered kaku michio neil degresse tyson richard dawkins hawkings steven stephen sifi sicence dating illuminati nwo freemasons origin lunar luna martian mars solaris guild solguildofastronomy
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