Steps to Infinity - Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom (2e1289)
If you were to count the steps, I can assure you there infinitely many to the final mini-Mandelbrot. However, the resolution of the video is only 4k, so you wouldn’t be able to see all of the steps close to that final minibrot. The the final image has a magnification of 2e1289. (That is 2 with 1289 zeros after it. Doubling a number every 1.5 seconds gets you to very big numbers very quickly). Please hit subscribe!
This video is actually a stress test of my little plug-in for After Effects (which I’ll upload soon as open source). Actually, while the video rendered fine, things did start slowing down after rendering the first 30mins. I’m not sure if that was AE or my fault, more investigation required. This one uses the “log steps“ mode with “angle“ shading for a psuedo-3D effect. The angle shading introduces some slight artefacts at times, but I still like the effect. We alternate between grey and colour, nothing exciting on the colouring front sorry, as I said this was more of a test of a big render.
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Software: Kalles Fraktaler and my own KMovieMaker plug-in
Music from Epidemic Sound:
Dance of Angels - Kikoru
Words of an Angel - Kikoru
Will He Live Again - Kikoru
Together for One Last Journey - Kikoru
The Smallest of Miracles - Kikoru
Solitary Thinking - Kikoru
Infant Memories - Kikoru
He Never Said Goodbye - Kikoru
Don’t Lose Faith - Kikoru
Dark Water Secrets - Kikoru
Reunited We’ll Prevail - Kikoru
Childhood Dreams - Kikoru
City of Clouds - Kikoru