DUA in Salaat ul Jumoa for Upliftment of Global Families and Businesses

Shaikh Akbar Ali Mirza (SAM) Climate Smart Trust will provide Qardhan Hasana to SAMS TQLMA Club 5300 PURE Gold Coins (US$7200) Members participating in SAMS Climate Smart Tijaarat Expo & Conference from August 23-31, 2021 in Global University and College Campuses. STEM Graduates will be linked with Global SMEs to acquire Permanent Resident Status of Sierra Leone to enjoy Inflation Free Total Quality Life in their 5G Proof Home in Bembeye Hill Climate Smart Campus Town. STEM Graduated can own 5G Proof Home in 53 months in 110 Home Solaroof Community in SAMS Energime AMTU Climate Smart Campus Towns in Farms and Mines of East Africa.
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